Food For the Brain - Not From the Shop But Through Brain Training

Sounds nice and oh so healthy. There are lots of stores and online shops where you can buy expensive supplements that nourish the brain. Or are supposed to do that. I am sure some of them will actually do your brain some good, but I myself think of something else when I think of "food for the brain".
Your brain needs to be fed.

Yes, that is absolutely true. With fresh food that contains anti oxidants for instance, or omega 3. But your brain also needs intellectual food. By giving it that, your brain will keep on working hard and a hard working brain is a healthy brain. There is no reason why our brain should not stay healthy till we die of old age. As long as it is properly fed.

Now what do I mean by intellectual food? Nothing out of your league, I promise. You can start in the morning by listening to the radio news and actually absorb the news items, instead of just hearing them vaguely. By absorbing them, your brain works harder. If you want to train your memory as well, you just repeat to yourself on your way to work or after taking the kids to school what items were in the broadcast. If you really want to challenge your brain, you list them in the order they were broadcasted.

What do you talk about during your coffee break? Nothing special? Why not make it special by discussing a subject, instead of chatting about this or that. Really refreshing, entertaining and who knows, you might learn a thing or two. And your brain is working and training...

Coming home after a day of work you might discuss something that happened during the day, something you heard about, instead the "what is for dinner?" and switching on the TV. Of course, you need to unwind, nobody is contesting that, but hanging on the sofa like a couch potato does not relax you at all. It makes you vague, indifferent and not quite the beloved member of the family you like to think you are.

Some more food for the brain: read a book. And I mean a real book, not a flimsy one you buy at the supermarket. Go to the library, choose a novel or an informative book on a subject you are interested in and actually READ.

Get that brain working, absorbing the text in the book, understanding it, working with it. If you are reading a novel, fantasize about the rest of the plot if you have to put the book away. Using your imagination is another great tasty element of food for the brain. If you read an informative book try to fit in what you just read in your day to day life, in your house or whatever the subject is about. In other words, do not stop your brain working after you close your book.

All these examples of food for the brain do not cost you anything, except maybe a subscription to the library - if you did not have one already. They keep your brain on the edge, thus keeping it sharp and alert and making you feel so much better. It is a known fact that if the brain is having a good time, so is your body. So in fact you kill two birds with one stone.

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